kodak Autographic 2, Ilford Delta 100.
These paddocks were once home to horses who roamed the grassy enclosures under the shade of the eucalypt trees and enjoying the shelter of the stables. I lived very close to here when I was a young teenager and recall seeing families frequently visiting and tending to their beloved equine family members. Sadly it eventually closed and has been derelict ever since. I assume at least part of the reason (for both closing and remaining derelict) is due to the flood prone nature of the property. It sits low next to a creek that easily breaks its banks during heavy rain. There is a large chunk of log sitting atop one of the stables left behind by receding flood water. I honestly hope there were no horses around when that happened.

The property has a house and work area that long ago fire sweep through. The house is generally crispy and bare apart from a few remnant items. The storage area/work space just outside the house was spared most of the affects of the fire but it too is pretty spare of old items that may have been used in day to day operation. I suspect that the occupants had cleared out long before the fire.

Mamiya RB67, Kodak Ektar 100.