Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Laura.
This is an ongoing series of portraits shot using old instant film (Fuji FP100C, much the same as the old Polaroid peel-apart films). Bleach is used to recover the negative while leaving traces of the dissolved dye behind behind to influence the image. This adds a visceral sense as the swirls and imperfections of the process bleed into world of the photographed subject.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Laura.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Kevin.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100B). Adam.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Adam.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Dom.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Ed.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Doug.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Doug.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Doug.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Laura.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Laura.

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Victoria

Bleached Polaroid negative (Fuji FP100C). Xiaohui Yang